2015 NSW State Hunter Titles
Results below for 2015 Bananacoast IRB
Results below for National Hunter Championships 2014 days 3 and 4
2014 Light centerfire Heavy centerfire
2014 Light rimfire Light centerfire
2014 Heavy rimfire Heavy centerfire
Results Below for the National Hunter Championships 2014 Rimfire days one and 2.
MULTI GUN RESULTS (Group) – Bananacoast
23/08/14 24/08/14 25/08/14 3 Gun
1 Murray Hicks 0.2504 0.2319 0.3086 0.2636
2 Mitchell Tallar 0.2571 0.2145 0.3199 0.2638
3 Darren Parsons 0.2626 0.2562 0.3224 0.2804
4 Steve Blaine 0.3090 0.2485 0.3051 0.2875
5 Ean Parsons 0.2832 0.2510 0.4349 0.3230
6 Alex Chryss 0.3276 0.3232 0.3327 0.3278
7 Bill Jupp 0.2663 0.3165 0.4787 0.3538
8 Steve Sori 0.2975 0.2637 0.5317 0.3643
9 Chris Goulden 0.2918 0.3281 0.5081 0.3760
10 Keith Smith 0.2526 0.3069 0.6208 0.3934
11 Joy Harrison 0.4376 0.5598 0.8079 0.6018
12 Michael Cooper 0.3924 0.3724 1.0923 0.6190
Printed: 27/08/2014 09:10 am Benchrest Bulletin Scoring
MULTI GUN RESULTS (Group) – Bananacoast
23/08/14 24/08/14 2 Gun
1 Mitchell Tallar 0.2571 0.2145 0.2358
2 Murray Hicks 0.2504 0.2319 0.2411
3 Annie Elliott 0.2580 0.2521 0.2551
4 Anthony Foate 0.2560 0.2600 0.2580
5 Darren Parsons 0.2626 0.2562 0.2594
6 Ean Parsons 0.2832 0.2510 0.2671
7 Steve Blaine 0.3090 0.2485 0.2787
8 Keith Smith 0.2526 0.3069 0.2797
9 Steve Sori 0.2975 0.2637 0.2806
10 Michael Thompson 0.2952 0.2773 0.2863
11 Richard Powell 0.2669 0.3110 0.2890
12 Bill Jupp 0.2663 0.3165 0.2914
13 Gary Hunt 0.2969 0.2954 0.2961
14 Stuart Foate 0.3028 0.2964 0.2996
15 Kerry Richards 0.2907 0.3110 0.3009
16 Ian Thompson 0.3176 0.2973 0.3075
17 Chris Goulden 0.2918 0.3281 0.3100
18 Peter Cowie 0.3670 0.2636 0.3154
19 Rhys Edgley 0.3191 0.3219 0.3205
20 Alex Chryss 0.3276 0.3232 0.3254
21 Barry Edgley 0.3005 0.3615 0.3310
22 Danny Rosewood 0.3308 0.3392 0.3350
23 Andy Cross 0.3407 0.3471 0.3439
24 Peter C Armstrong 0.3621 0.3427 0.3524
25 Rob Hamilton 0.3296 0.3996 0.3646
26 Bob Purcell 0.4197 0.3282 0.3739
27 Michael Cooper 0.3924 0.3724 0.3824
28 Jason Armstrong 0.4894 0.2909 0.3902
29 Karl Kuehn 0.4661 0.3191 0.3926
30 Peter Varley 0.3463 0.4540 0.4002
31 Nick Catlan 0.3547 0.4677 0.4112
32 Keith Highfield 0.3819 0.4422 0.4121
33 Richard Drozdowski 0.3987 0.4650 0.4319
34 Megan Wheeler 0.3983 0.4803 0.4393
35 Norm Wheeler 0.4237 0.4983 0.4610
36 Joy Harrison 0.4376 0.5598 0.4987
37 Alison Kuehn 0.5172 0.5286 0.5230
38 Mark Mundell 0.7456 0.3080 0.5268
39 Stan Buckley 0.5161 0.5393 0.5277
40 Max Coady 0.4833 0.6892 0.5863
41 Diana Melham 0.4171 3.2767 1.8469
42 Beau Rosewood 0.5874 29.5954 15.0914
Printed: 27/08/2014 09:09 am Benchrest Bulletin Scoring
Bananacoast Championships 2014 – LV
Range: Coffs Harbour NSW Class: Light Benchrest
Name W A B C D E Agg GAgg PN
Murray NSW 100 .270 .095 .216 .252 .356 .2378 4
Hicks 2022 200 .224 .677 .614 .658 .471 .2644 7 .2511 1
Keith NSW 100 .208 .153 .224 .244 .220 .2098 1
Smith 2026 200 .603 .545 .520 .687 .599 .2954 11 .2526 2
Anthony HOF 100 .265 .281 .292 .272 .192 .2604 6
Foate 30 200 .618 .410 .767 .366 .355 .2516 4 .2560 3
Mitchell NSW 100 .195 .280 .160 .328 .248 .2422 5
Tallar 2183 200 .485 .445 .636 .624 .529 .2719 9 .2571 4
Annie HOF 100 .238 .334 .311 .306 .199 .2776 13
Elliott 22 200 .508 .345 .481 .563 .487 .2384 2 .2580 5
Darren NSW 100 .273 .404 .276 .223 .214 .2780 14
Parsons 2174 200 .526 .372 .492 .511 .570 .2471 3 .2626 6
Bill NSW 100 .274 .266 .220 .303 .286 .2698 9
Jupp 2014 200 .419 .555 .633 .512 .509 .2628 6 .2663 7
Richard Qld 100 .199 .216 .191 .238 .288 .2264 3
Powell 4323 200 .579 .705 .362 .642 .786 .3074 14 .2669 8
Ean NSW 100 .282 .379 .265 .323 .301 .3100 20
Parsons 2186 200 .757 .318 .373 .409 .707 .2564 5 .2832 9
Kerry NSW 100 .227 .236 .154 .357 .398 .2744 11
Richards 2245 200 .772 .943 .387 .481 .487 .3070 13 .2907 10
Chris NSW 100 .477 .327 .269 .323 .376 .3544 28
Goulden 2314 200 .315 .571 .425 .696 .286 .2293 1 .2918 11
Michael NSW 100 .165 .227 .138 .195 .369 .2188 2
Thompson 2199 200 1.049 .786 .764 .463 .654 .3716 25 .2952 12
Gary NSW 100 .407 .338 .234 .177 .303 .2918 17
Hunt 2009 200 .690 .524 .508 .622 .676 .3020 12 .2969 13
Steve HOF 100 .187 .285 .310 .302 .300 .2768 12
Sori 23 200 .445 .846 .428 .489 .974 .3182 17 .2975 14
Barry Qld 100 .182 .345 .133 .324 .367 .2702 10
Edgley 4051 200 .286 1.163 .763 .394 .703 .3309 19 .3005 15
Stuart NSW 100 .298 .403 .478 .240 .260 .3358 25
Foate 2166 200 .358 .381 .338 .699 .922 .2698 8 .3028 16
Steve Qld 100 .235 .310 .268 .337 .284 .2868 16
Blaine 4096 200 .744 .868 .443 .728 .528 .3311 20 .3090 17
Ian NSW 100 .407 .181 .292 .378 .355 .3226 22
Thompson 2220 200 .440 .819 .525 .717 .625 .3126 16 .3176 18
Rhys Qld 100 .279 .253 .390 .234 .306 .2924 18
Edgley 4052 200 .665 .574 .833 .629 .757 .3458 22 .3191 19
Alex NSW 100 .326 .345 .360 .260 .339 .3260 23
Chryss 2007 200 .856 .388 .795 .804 .449 .3292 18 .3276 20
Rob NSW 100 .286 .401 .440 .219 .400 .3492 26
Hamilton 2067 200 .600 .613 .974 .381 .533 .3101 15 .3296 21
Danny NSW 100 .380 .325 .288 .393 .490 .3752 31
Rosewood 2263 200 .389 .547 .645 .728 .556 .2865 10 .3308 22
Andy Qld 100 .286 .227 .295 .262 .273 .2686 8
Cross 4354 200 .433 .246 2.410 .614 .426 .4129 29 .3407 23
Peter Qld 100 .312 .185 .387 .284 .174 .2684 7
Varley 4348 200 .740 .640 1.700 .752 .410 .4242 31 .3463 24
Nick Qld 100 .459 .251 .246 .339 .260 .3110 21
Catlan 4009 200 .469 1.146 .600 1.055 .714 .3984 28 .3547 25
Peter C NSW 100 .270 .256 .375 .397 .348 .3292 24
Armstrong 2180 200 .834 .873 .840 .708 .695 .3950 26 .3621 26
Peter NSW 100 .494 .293 .454 .496 .246 .3966 33
Cowie 2205 200 .685 .624 1.064 .570 .432 .3375 21 .3671 27
Keith NSW 100 .275 .355 .265 .302 .287 .2968 19
Highfield 2003 200 .819 1.230 .684 1.070 .866 .4669 34 .3819 28
Nigel NSW 100 .444 .328 .349 .356 .454 .3862 32
Melbourne 2316 200 .685 1.002 .975 .761 .531 .3954 27 .3908 29
Michael NSW 100 .329 .374 .438 .363 .309 .3626 29
Cooper 2088 200 .940 .931 .893 .728 .730 .4222 30 .3924 30
Megan NSW 100 .372 .323 .447 .626 .415 .4366 38
Wheeler 2134 200 .746 .684 .646 .683 .842 .3601 23 .3983 31
Richard NSW 100 .397 .522 .350 .530 .365 .4328 37
Drozdowski 2155 200 .997 .663 .829 .397 .761 .3647 24 .3987 32
Diana NSW 100 .274 .360 .439 .498 .252 .3646 30
Melham 2315 200 .443 1.091 .649 1.273 1.240 .4696 35 .4171 33
Bob Qld 100 .512 .536 .333 .283 .337 .4002 34
Purcell 4047 200 .842 .600 .966 .863 1.120 .4391 32 .4197 34
Norm NSW 100 .443 .424 .267 .300 .325 .3518 27
Wheeler 2135 200 .944 .775 1.148 1.222 .866 .4955 38 .4236 35
Joy NSW 100 .352 .394 .455 .379 .439 .4038 35
Harrison 2124 200 .943 .810 .998 1.113 .850 .4714 36 .4376 36
Karl NSW 100 .534 .305 .662 .335 .513 .4698 39
Kuehn 2018 200 .990 .525 1.016 .774 1.318 .4623 33 .4661 37
Max HOF 100 .283 .206 .719 .385 .517 .4220 36
Coady 19 200 .989 1.466 1.353 .686 .952 .5446 41 .4833 38
Jason NSW 100 1.037 .268 .579 .296 .327 .5014 40
Armstrong 2200 200 1.023 .548 1.280 .979 .944 .4774 37 .4894 39
Stan Qld 100 .648 .478 .584 .422 .391 .5046 42
Buckley 4072 200 .882 .655 .953 1.362 1.425 .5277 39 .5162 40
Alison Qld 100 .378 .326 .650 .255 .901 .5020 41
Kuehn 4361 200 .722 .725 1.495 .658 1.725 .5325 40 .5172 41
Peter NSW 100 .555 .408 .459 .545 .565 .5064 43
Nesbitt 2286 200 1.144 1.653 1.250 .882 .524 .5453 42 .5258 42
Beau NSW 100 .371 .932 .641 .665 .536 .6290 44
Rosewood 2269 200 1.013 .902 1.118 1.291 1.133 .5457 43 .5874 43
Mark Qld 100 .157 .251 .293 .451 .258 .2820 15
Mundell 4331 200 .537 .429 .488 .638 10.000 1.2092 44 .7456 44
Best Scores 100 | Best Scores 200
A M Mundell .157 | A M Hicks .224
B M Hicks .095 | B A Cross .246
C B Edgley .133 | C S Foate .338
D G Hunt .177 | D A Foate .366
E P Varley .174 | E C Goulden .286
SG M Hicks .095 (Rec .057) | SG M Hicks .224 (Rec .116)
Agg K Smith .2098 (Rec .1758)| Agg C Goulden .2293 (Rec .1786)
Screamer Groups 100
M Hicks . 95
Screamer Groups 200
M Hicks .224
A Cross .246
Printed: 24/08/2014 07:19 am Benchrest Bulletin Scoring
Bananacoast Championships 2014 – HV
Range: Coffs Harbour NSW Class: Heavy Benchrest
Name W A B C D E Agg GAgg PN
Mitchell NSW 100 .242 .115 .179 .162 .313 .2022 3
Tallar 2183 200 .517 .477 .439 .471 .364 .2268 1 .2145 1
Murray NSW 100 .147 .177 .161 .145 .423 .2106 4
Hicks 2022 200 .475 .531 .495 .562 .468 .2531 2 .2319 2
Steve Qld 100 .141 .112 .155 .215 .347 .1940 2
Blaine 4096 200 .451 .556 .497 1.127 .398 .3029 8 .2485 3
Ean NSW 100 .121 .204 .135 .180 .294 .1868 1
Parsons 2186 200 .535 .594 .704 .690 .628 .3151 11 .2510 4
Annie HOF 100 .326 .187 .161 .211 .199 .2168 6
Elliott 22 200 .530 .827 .460 .485 .573 .2875 6 .2521 5
Darren NSW 100 .357 .209 .223 .300 .185 .2548 16
Parsons 2174 200 .603 .403 .550 .615 .406 .2577 3 .2562 6
Anthony HOF 100 .237 .214 .138 .215 .264 .2136 5
Foate 30 200 .421 .788 .690 .804 .361 .3064 9 .2600 7
Peter NSW 100 .196 .312 .279 .175 .370 .2664 23
Cowie 2205 200 .586 .481 .315 .837 .390 .2609 4 .2637 8
Steve HOF 100 .456 .169 .272 .123 .193 .2426 12
Sori 23 200 .709 .402 .707 .643 .388 .2849 5 .2638 9
Michael NSW 100 .164 .256 .235 .194 .416 .2530 14
Thompson 2199 200 .715 .308 .877 .462 .655 .3017 7 .2773 10
Jason NSW 100 .143 .161 .351 .154 .279 .2176 7
Armstrong 2200 200 .865 .513 .689 .656 .920 .3643 17 .2909 11
Gary NSW 100 .313 .242 .144 .213 .393 .2610 19
Hunt 2009 200 .346 .652 .880 .505 .914 .3297 14 .2954 12
Stuart NSW 100 .317 .199 .265 .244 .399 .2848 24
Foate 2166 200 .735 .369 .699 .786 .490 .3079 10 .2964 13
Ian NSW 100 .188 .467 .166 .267 .216 .2608 18
Thompson 2220 200 1.028 .510 .723 .523 .554 .3338 15 .2973 14
Keith NSW 100 .276 .248 .127 .148 .306 .2210 8
Smith 2026 200 .448 .513 .666 1.278 1.022 .3927 25 .3068 15
Mark Qld 100 .210 .247 .280 .258 .238 .2466 13
Mundell 4331 200 .815 .855 .683 .530 .810 .3693 21 .3080 16
Kerry NSW 100 .258 .222 .139 .424 .239 .2564 17
Richards 2245 200 .981 .764 .393 .839 .680 .3657 18 .3111 17
Richard Qld 100 .204 .246 .151 .446 .282 .2658 22
Powell 4323 200 .793 .612 .758 .862 .538 .3563 16 .3110 18
Bill NSW 100 .202 .193 .317 .295 .170 .2354 10
Jupp 2014 200 1.048 .493 .719 .838 .877 .3975 28 .3165 19
Karl NSW 100 .271 .240 .246 .134 .425 .2632 21
Kuehn 2018 200 .935 .529 .490 .865 .930 .3749 22 .3191 20
Rhys Qld 100 .137 .323 .218 .373 .263 .2628 20
Edgley 4052 200 .470 1.193 .640 .764 .742 .3809 24 .3219 21
Alex NSW 100 .167 .140 .345 .317 .298 .2534 15
Chryss 2007 200 .678 .616 .877 1.052 .707 .3930 26 .3232 22
Chris NSW 100 .355 .357 .309 .345 .307 .3346 30
Goulden 2314 200 .716 .489 .599 .850 .563 .3217 13 .3282 23
Bob Qld 100 .173 .325 .225 .286 .439 .2896 25
Purcell 4047 200 .652 .677 .713 1.070 .556 .3668 19 .3282 24
Danny NSW 100 .516 .070 .240 .388 .334 .3096 26
Rosewood 2263 200 .797 1.003 .566 .645 .676 .3687 20 .3391 25
Peter C NSW 100 .475 .553 .337 .268 .210 .3686 34
Armstrong 2180 200 .634 1.002 .430 .574 .529 .3169 12 .3427 26
Andy Qld 100 .340 .241 .202 .189 .215 .2374 11
Cross 4354 200 1.004 .864 1.014 1.131 .554 .4567 31 .3470 27
Barry Qld 100 .237 .421 .317 .313 .352 .3280 29
Edgley 4051 200 .695 .538 1.519 .464 .734 .3950 27 .3615 28
Michael NSW 100 .434 .251 .235 .309 .490 .3438 33
Cooper 2088 200 .503 1.269 .692 .841 .705 .4010 29 .3724 29
Nigel NSW 100 .384 .172 .237 .413 .346 .3104 27
Melbourne 2316 200 .817 1.248 1.188 .467 .780 .4500 30 .3802 30
Rob NSW 100 .378 .251 .281 .337 .463 .3420 32
Hamilton 2067 200 1.032 .505 1.008 1.050 .976 .4571 32 .3995 31
Keith NSW 100 .420 .325 .446 .220 .211 .3244 28
Highfield 2003 200 .938 1.363 1.348 1.152 .800 .5601 35 .4423 32
Peter Qld 100 1.235 .167 .703 .251 .289 .5290 39
Varley 4348 200 .669 .672 .671 .735 1.043 .3790 23 .4540 33
Richard NSW 100 .569 .363 .588 .446 .246 .4424 36
Drozdowski 2155 200 .805 .516 1.089 1.519 .947 .4876 33 .4650 34
Nick Qld 100 .157 .331 .266 .125 .269 .2296 9
Catlan 4009 200 .915 3.055 .840 1.552 .696 .7058 41 .4677 35
Megan NSW 100 .471 .227 .235 .433 .337 .3406 31
Wheeler 2134 200 1.447 1.158 1.144 1.109 1.341 .6199 38 .4803 36
Norm NSW 100 .309 .513 .523 .485 .635 .4930 38
Wheeler 2135 200 .707 1.115 1.018 1.359 .836 .5035 34 .4983 37
Alison Qld 100 .545 .351 .452 .696 .365 .4818 37
Kuehn 4361 200 .601 1.347 .624 1.329 1.854 .5755 37 .5286 38
Stan Qld 100 .590 .544 .306 .232 .398 .4140 35
Buckley 4072 200 1.119 1.079 .920 1.360 2.168 .6646 40 .5393 39
Joy NSW 100 .486 .517 .656 .324 .765 .5496 40
Harrison 2124 200 .878 1.189 1.194 1.505 .934 .5700 36 .5598 40
Max HOF 100 .429 .511 .597 1.461 .673 .7342 41
Coady 19 200 1.667 .935 1.267 1.021 1.552 .6442 39 .6892 41
Beau NSW 100 .177 .593 .277 FTQ FTQ FTQ
Rosewood 2269 200 FTQ FTQ FTQ FTQ FTQ FTQ FTQ
Best Scores 100 | Best Scores 200
A E Parsons .121 | A G Hunt .346
B D Rosewood .070 | B M Thompson .308
C K Smith .127 | C P Cowie .315
D S Sori .123 | D M Thompson .462
E B Jupp .170 | E A Foate .361
SG D Rosewood .070 (Rec .059) | SG M Thompson .308 (Rec .133)
Agg E Parsons .1868 (Rec .1576)| Agg M Tallar .2268 (Rec .1843)
Screamer Groups 100
D Rosewood . 70
Printed: 24/08/2014 03:39 pm Benchrest Bulletin Scoring
2014 NSW State Hunter Championships
Multi Gun Results – NSW Hunter 4 Gun
17/05 18/05 19/05 20/05
R/F Lig R/F Hea C/F Lig C/F Hea
1 Bill Jupp 496.12 497.19 498.22 500.26 1991.79
2 Neville Kime 489.11 494.17 491.12 494.14 1968.54
3 Trevor Whittaker 489.11 494.15 483.15 499.26 1965.67
4 Karl Kuehn 482.08 495.09 487.11 498.24 1962.52
5 Ean Parsons 485.08 491.06 485.14 498.23 1959.51
6 Joy Harrison 482.11 497.20 485.07 490.10 1954.48
7 Ira Rolley 487.07 493.15 464.09 499.20 1943.51
8 Richard Powell 479.07 495.11 475.05 465.02 1914.25
9 Alison Kuehn 477.08 491.14 409.01 485.13 1862.36
10 Nick Catlan 471.06 433.13 438.03 493.12 1835.34
11 Paul Sullivan 494.14 500.18 336.13 500.26 1830.71
12 Barry Nichols 490.11 485.12 344.15 499.24 1818.62
Printed: 20/ 5/2014 at: 13:27:07 Benchrest Bulletin Scoring System
Multi Gun Results – NSW HRF HCF 2 Gun
18/05 20/05
R/F Hea C/F Hea
1 Paul Sullivan 500.18 500.26 1000.44
2 Bill Jupp 497.19 500.26 997.45
3 Ian Thompson 496.22 500.22 996.44
4 Trevor Whittaker 494.15 499.26 993.41
5 Karl Kuehn 495.09 498.24 993.33
6 Ira Rolley 493.15 499.20 992.35
7 Ean Parsons 491.06 498.23 989.29
8 Neville Kime 494.17 494.14 988.31
9 Joy Harrison 497.20 490.10 987.30
10 Barry Nichols 485.12 499.24 984.36
11 Alison Kuehn 491.14 485.13 976.27
12 Megan Wheeler 490.13 480.10 970.23
13 Richard Powell 495.11 465.02 960.13
14 Norm Wheeler 486.11 444.06 930.17
15 Nick Catlan 433.13 493.12 926.25
Printed: 20/ 5/2014 at: 13:25:39 Benchrest Bulletin Scoring System
Multi Gun Results – NSW LCH HCH 2 GUN
19/05 20/05
C/F Lig C/F Hea
1 Bill Jupp 498.22 500.26 998.48
2 Karl Kuehn 487.11 498.24 985.35
3 Neville Kime 491.12 494.14 985.26
4 Ean Parsons 485.14 498.23 983.37
5 Trevor Whittaker 483.15 499.26 982.41
6 Joy Harrison 485.07 490.10 975.17
7 Ira Rolley 464.09 499.20 963.29
8 Gary Hunt 456.02 498.23 954.25
9 Richard Powell 475.05 465.02 940.07
10 Nick Catlan 438.03 493.12 931.15
11 Alison Kuehn 409.01 485.13 894.14
12 Barry Nichols 344.15 499.24 843.39
13 Paul Sullivan 336.13 500.26 836.39
Date : 20/05/2014 Title: NSW Heavy Centrefire Hunter Chs
Range: Dairyville NSW Class: C/F Heavy Hunter
Name State/No W A B C D E Agg GAgg PN
Bill NSW 100 50.4 50.5 50.4 50.1 50.4 250.18
Jupp 2014 200 50.1 50.1 50.4 50.0 50.2 250.08 500.26 1
Paul HoF 100 50.4 50.5 50.3 50.2 50.5 250.19
Sullivan 16 200 50.1 50.2 50.1 50.2 50.1 250.07 500.26 2
Ian NSW 100 50.1 50.3 50.4 50.2 50.4 250.14
Thompson 2220 200 50.2 50.1 50.2 50.2 50.1 250.08 500.22 3
Trevor NSW 100 50.3 50.3 50.2 50.3 50.5 250.16
Whittaker 2146 200 50.4 50.1 49.1 50.3 50.1 249.10 499.26 4
Barry NSW 100 50.3 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.5 250.20
Nichols 2213 200 50.1 49.0 50.2 50.1 50.0 249.04 499.24 5
Ira Qld 100 50.0 50.2 50.3 50.3 50.4 250.12
Rolley 4006 200 49.3 50.2 50.0 50.0 50.3 249.08 499.20 6
Rob NSW 100 50.2 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.3 250.11
Hamilton 2067 200 50.2 50.3 49.1 50.0 50.1 249.07 499.18 7
Karl NSW 100 50.3 49.3 50.4 50.3 50.3 249.16
Kuehn 2018 200 50.2 50.2 50.1 49.2 50.1 249.08 498.24 8
Gary NSW 100 50.3 50.2 49.0 50.5 50.4 249.14
Hunt 2009 200 50.4 50.2 49.0 50.2 50.1 249.09 498.23 9
Ean NSW 100 50.4 50.2 50.1 50.3 50.5 250.15
Parsons 2186 200 50.3 48.0 50.1 50.2 50.2 248.08 498.23 10
Neville NSW 100 49.3 50.2 50.2 50.2 48.0 247.09
Kime 2076 200 49.1 50.0 48.0 50.3 50.1 247.05 494.14 11
Nick Qld 100 50.0 50.3 50.4 50.2 49.0 249.09
Catlan 4009 200 47.0 49.0 49.0 49.2 50.1 244.03 493.12 12
Joy NSW 100 49.0 50.1 50.4 50.2 50.2 249.09
Harrison 2124 200 50.0 46.0 48.1 48.0 49.0 241.01 490.10 13
Alison Qld 100 47.3 49.1 45.0 50.3 50.2 241.09
Kuehn 4361 200 49.1 50.2 49.1 48.0 48.0 244.04 485.13 14
Megan NSW 100 50.2 49.1 49.3 39.1 50.1 237.08
Wheeler 2134 200 48.0 49.0 48.0 49.1 49.1 243.02 480.10 15
Richard Qld 100 44.0 48.1 48.1 45.0 47.0 232.02
Powell 4323 200 49.0 47.0 48.0 46.0 43.0 233.00 465.02 16
Norm NSW 100 49.1 50.1 50.1 50.1 199.04
Wheeler 2135 200 49.1 48.1 50.0 48.0 50.0 245.02 444.06 17
Best Scores 100 | Best Scores 200
W | W
A B Jupp 50.4 | A T Whittaker 50.4
B B Jupp 50.5 | B R Hamilton 50.3
C B Jupp 50.4 | C B Jupp 50.4
D G Hunt 50.5 | D T Whittaker 50.3
E P Sullivan 50.5 | E I Rolley 50.3
Best Target B Jupp 50.5 | Best Target T Whittaker 50.4
Best Total B Nichols 250.20 | Best Total B Jupp 250.08
Printed: 20/ 5/2014 at: 13:18:49 Benchrest Bulletin Scoring System
Multi Gun Results – NSW LRH HRH 2 Gun
17/05 19/05
R/F Lig C/F Lig
1 Bill Jupp 496.12 498.22 994.34
2 Neville Kime 489.11 491.12 980.23
3 Trevor Whittaker 489.11 483.15 972.26
4 Ean Parsons 485.08 485.14 970.22
5 Karl Kuehn 482.08 487.11 969.19
6 Joy Harrison 482.11 485.07 967.18
7 Richard Powell 479.07 475.05 954.12
8 Ira Rolley 487.07 464.09 951.16
9 Nick Catlan 471.06 438.03 909.09
10 Don Irving 464.03 441.03 905.06
11 Alison Kuehn 477.08 409.01 886.09
12 Barry Nichols 490.11 344.15 834.26
13 Paul Sullivan 494.14 336.13 830.27
Printed: 19/ 5/2014 at: 14:44:34 Benchrest Bulletin Scoring System
Date : 19/05/2014 Title: NSW Light Centrefire Hunter Chs
Range: Dairyville NSW Class: C/F Light Hunter
Name State/No W A B C D E Agg GAgg PN
Bill NSW 100 50.4 50.4 50.3 50.3 50.3 250.17
Jupp 2014 200 49.2 50.0 50.2 50.1 49.0 248.05 498.22 1
Neville NSW 100 47.1 49.3 50.3 49.2 50.2 245.11
Kime 2076 200 50.1 50.0 49.0 50.0 47.0 246.01 491.12 2
Karl NSW 100 50.3 48.2 50.1 49.1 48.1 245.08
Kuehn 2018 200 46.1 49.1 48.0 50.1 49.0 242.03 487.11 3
Ean NSW 100 49.2 50.3 50.4 50.3 50.0 249.12
Parsons 2186 200 48.0 49.1 48.0 43.0 48.1 236.02 485.14 4
Joy NSW 100 50.1 47.1 49.0 50.1 50.2 246.05
Harrison 2124 200 47.0 49.0 47.1 48.1 48.0 239.02 485.07 5
Trevor NSW 100 49.3 50.4 50.2 48.1 48.1 245.11
Whittaker 2146 200 47.1 47.0 48.1 47.1 49.1 238.04 483.15 6
Richard Qld 100 50.1 49.1 49.1 44.1 45.0 237.04
Powell 4323 200 47.0 48.0 48.1 46.0 49.0 238.01 475.05 7
Ira Qld 100 41.1 50.3 48.0 49.3 50.0 238.07
Rolley 4006 200 41.0 47.1 47.0 45.0 46.1 226.02 464.09 8
Gary NSW 100 48.0 45.1 49.0 47.0 49.0 238.01
Hunt 2009 200 35.0 43.0 45.0 47.0 48.1 218.01 456.02 9
Don NSW 100 48.0 47.0 45.0 47.2 48.0 235.02
Irving 2264 200 49.0 35.0 47.1 33.0 42.0 206.01 441.03 10
Nick Qld 100 49.2 49.0 47.1 47.0 49.0 241.03
Catlan 4009 200 18.0 46.0 37.0 49.0 47.0 197.00 438.03 11
Alison Qld 100 46.0 48.0 47.0 47.0 36.1 224.01
Kuehn 4361 200 30.0 39.0 24.0 49.0 43.0 185.00 409.01 12
Barry NSW 100 50.5 50.3 50.3 50.0 49.2 249.13
Nichols 2213 200 49.2 46.0 95.02 344.15 13
Paul HoF 100 50.3 50.1 50.1 50.4 50.4 250.13
Sullivan 16 200 50.0 36.0 86.00 336.13 14
Best Scores 100 | Best Scores 200
W | W
A B Nichols 50.5 | A N Kime 50.1
B B Jupp 50.4 | B B Jupp 50.0
C E Parsons 50.4 | C B Jupp 50.2
D P Sullivan 50.4 | D B Jupp 50.1
E P Sullivan 50.4 | E T Whittaker 49.1
Best Target B Nichols 50.5 | Best Target B Jupp 50.2
Best Total B Jupp 250.17 | Best Total B Jupp 248.05
Multi Gun Results – NSW Rimfire Hunter 2 Gun
17/05 18/05
R/F Lig R/F Hea
1 Glenn Seaman 498.06 497.20 995.26
2 Paul Sullivan 494.14 500.18 994.32
3 Bill Jupp 496.12 497.19 993.31
4 Hannah Seaman 494.16 498.22 992.38
5 Kim Cosstick 492.13 499.17 991.30
6 Emily Seaman 492.07 493.09 985.16
7 Danny Rosewood 487.12 496.17 983.29
8 Neville Kime 489.11 494.17 983.28
9 Trevor Whittaker 489.11 494.15 983.26
10 Bob Wells 487.07 496.16 983.23
11 Don Powell 485.10 495.17 980.27
12 Peter Fleming 489.11 491.12 980.23
13 Ira Rolley 487.07 493.15 980.22
14 Joy Harrison 482.11 497.20 979.31
15 Karl Kuehn 482.08 495.09 977.17
16 Megan Wheeler 486.08 490.13 976.21
17 Norm Wheeler 490.09 486.11 976.20
18 Ean Parsons 485.08 491.06 976.14
19 Barry Nichols 490.11 485.12 975.23
20 Richard Powell 479.07 495.11 974.18
21 Dave Sweaney 481.09 492.10 973.19
22 Raymond Munro 480.05 492.20 972.25
23 Ray Fuller 472.05 498.15 970.20
24 Alison Kuehn 477.08 491.14 968.22
25 Ian Thompson 471.07 496.22 967.29
26 Nick Catlan 471.06 433.13 904.19
Printed: 18/ 5/2014 at: 15:30:04 Benchrest Bulletin Scoring System
Date : 18/05/2014 Title: NSW Heavy Rimfire Hunter Class Chs
Range: Dairyville NSW Class: R/F Heavy Hunter
Name State/No W A B C D E Agg GAgg PN
Paul HoF 50 50.1 50.3 50.4 50.2 50.2 250.12
Sullivan 16 100 50.2 50.0 50.0 50.2 50.2 250.06 500.18 1
John NSW 50 50.2 50.4 50.4 50.4 50.2 250.16
Matthews 2248 100 50.1 50.1 49.0 50.0 50.1 249.03 499.19 2
Kim NSW 50 50.1 50.3 50.3 50.1 50.2 250.10
Cosstick 2150 100 49.1 50.1 50.2 50.1 50.2 249.07 499.17 3
Bob NSW 50 50.4 50.3 50.5 50.4 50.4 250.20
Blacklock 2260 100 50.0 48.1 50.1 50.0 50.1 248.03 498.23 4
Hannah NSW 50 50.4 50.5 50.2 50.4 50.2 250.17
Seaman 2247 100 50.0 48.1 50.3 50.0 50.1 248.05 498.22 5
Ben Qld 50 49.1 50.2 50.1 50.4 50.3 249.11
West 4357 100 50.0 50.0 50.2 50.1 49.2 249.05 498.16 6
Ray NSW 50 50.3 50.2 50.3 50.1 50.1 250.10
Fuller 2267 100 49.2 49.1 50.1 50.0 50.1 248.05 498.15 7
Norm Qld 50 50.5 50.4 50.3 50.5 50.3 250.20
Bardell 4498 100 48.1 49.0 50.2 50.3 50.0 247.06 497.26 8
Peter NSW 50 49.3 50.3 50.3 50.4 50.2 249.15
Nicoll 2239 100 49.1 49.1 50.2 50.1 50.2 248.07 497.22 9
Glenn NSW 50 50.2 50.4 50.3 50.3 49.1 249.13
Seaman 2238 100 49.3 50.1 50.1 50.0 49.2 248.07 497.20 10
Joy NSW 50 50.3 48.1 50.5 50.2 50.3 248.14
Harrison 2124 100 50.1 50.2 50.1 49.0 50.2 249.06 497.20 11
Bill NSW 50 50.5 50.2 50.2 50.3 50.2 250.14
Jupp 2014 100 49.2 50.1 49.1 49.1 50.0 247.05 497.19 12
Neil Qld 50 50.3 50.1 50.2 50.2 50.2 250.10
Digweed 4497 100 50.3 49.0 50.0 50.1 48.0 247.04 497.14 13
Ian NSW 50 50.4 50.4 50.2 50.4 50.4 250.18
Thompson 2220 100 50.1 48.1 48.0 50.1 50.1 246.04 496.22 14
Danny NSW 50 50.3 50.4 50.2 49.1 50.1 249.11
Rosewood 2263 100 50.0 49.2 49.1 50.3 49.0 247.06 496.17 15
Bob NSW 50 50.2 50.3 50.3 49.2 50.1 249.11
Wells 2261 100 50.1 48.1 50.1 50.2 49.0 247.05 496.16 16
Greg NSW 50 50.2 50.2 50.1 50.2 50.4 250.11
Sutherland 2262 100 50.1 49.2 50.0 49.0 48.0 246.03 496.14 17
Don NSW 50 49.0 50.4 50.3 50.4 50.3 249.14
Powell 2203 100 49.1 48.0 49.0 50.2 50.0 246.03 495.17 18
Richard Qld 50 50.2 50.2 50.1 49.2 50.2 249.09
Powell 4323 100 49.1 49.0 49.0 49.1 50.0 246.02 495.11 19
Karl NSW 50 50.2 49.0 50.2 50.2 49.1 248.07
Kuehn 2018 100 50.1 48.1 50.0 49.0 50.0 247.02 495.09 20
Bill NSW 50 50.3 50.1 50.5 50.3 50.3 250.15
Hobbs 2249 100 49.1 49.2 50.2 48.1 48.1 244.07 494.22 21
Murray Qld 50 50.4 49.2 50.3 50.3 50.3 249.15
Cole 4356 100 47.1 48.2 50.2 50.0 50.2 245.07 494.22 22
Neville NSW 50 50.3 50.4 50.3 50.4 50.1 250.15
Kime 2076 100 49.0 46.0 49.0 50.2 50.0 244.02 494.17 23
Trevor NSW 50 50.1 50.5 50.3 50.2 48.0 248.11
Whittaker 2146 100 47.0 50.1 50.2 49.0 50.1 246.04 494.15 24
Maria NSW 50 50.2 50.4 50.2 50.3 49.3 249.14
Rosewood 2306 100 48.0 47.1 49.1 50.1 50.2 244.05 493.19 25
Ira Qld 50 49.3 50.2 49.1 50.3 50.2 248.11
Rolley 4006 100 48.0 48.0 50.2 50.1 49.1 245.04 493.15 26
Emily NSW 50 50.1 50.1 50.2 50.1 50.2 250.07
Seaman 2252 100 49.1 47.0 50.1 50.0 47.0 243.02 493.09 27
Raymond NSW 50 50.3 50.3 50.3 50.4 50.3 250.16
Munro 2126 100 49.1 48.0 48.1 49.2 48.0 242.04 492.20 28
Dave NSW 50 50.2 50.2 49.1 50.0 50.2 249.07
Sweaney 2308 100 49.0 48.1 49.0 49.1 48.1 243.03 492.10 29
Tony Qld 50 50.2 49.2 50.4 50.3 48.1 247.12
Steele 4499 100 48.0 50.2 49.0 49.0 48.2 244.04 491.16 30
Alison Qld 50 50.2 49.1 50.2 50.2 50.4 249.11
Kuehn 4361 100 47.1 49.1 47.0 49.1 50.0 242.03 491.14 31
Peter NSW 50 50.2 50.2 50.4 50.1 50.0 250.09
Fleming 2038 100 49.0 46.0 49.0 50.2 47.1 241.03 491.12 32
Ean NSW 50 48.1 50.1 48.0 49.1 50.2 245.05
Parsons 2186 100 47.0 50.1 50.0 49.0 50.0 246.01 491.06 33
Neil NSW 50 50.1 50.2 50.3 49.1 50.2 249.09
Starr 2258 100 48.1 50.1 48.0 48.1 47.1 241.04 490.13 34
Megan NSW 50 50.1 50.3 50.1 50.0 50.4 250.09
Wheeler 2134 100 48.0 44.0 50.2 48.1 50.1 240.04 490.13 35
Norm NSW 50 50.2 48.2 49.2 48.1 50.3 245.10
Wheeler 2135 100 49.1 48.0 47.0 48.0 49.0 241.01 486.11 36
Barry NSW 50 49.1 50.3 50.2 50.3 48.0 247.09
Nichols 2213 100 47.1 48.0 47.0 48.0 48.2 238.03 485.12 37
Trevor NSW 50 50.2 50.3 49.2 50.2 49.2 248.11
Williams 2292 100 47.0 45.0 48.0 49.1 48.0 237.01 485.12 38
Beau NSW 50 50.1 50.2 50.3 49.1 50.0 249.07
Rosewood 2269 100 48.0 45.0 49.1 46.0 42.0 230.01 479.08 39
John HoF 50 48.3 50.2 50.2 50.2 48.2 246.11
Radford 15 100 50.0 48.0 50.0 48.0 196.00 442.11 40
Nick Qld 50 50.4 49.2 50.3 49.0 198.09
Catlan 4009 100 40.0 47.1 49.1 49.1 50.1 235.04 433.13 41
Best Scores 50 | Best Scores 100
W | W
A N Bardell 50.5 | A N Digweed 50.3
B H Seaman 50.5 | B J Harrison 50.2
C B Blacklock 50.5 | C H Seaman 50.3
D N Bardell 50.5 | D N Bardell 50.3
E B Blacklock 50.4 | E P Sullivan 50.2
Best Target N Bardell 50.5 | Best Target N Digweed 50.3
Best Total N Bardell 250.20 | Best Total P Sullivan 250.06
Date : 17/05/2014 Title: NSW Light Rimfire Hunter Class Chs
Range: Dairyville NSW Class: R/F Light Hunter
Name State/No W A B C D E Agg GAgg PN
Glenn NSW 50 50.0 49.0 50.0 50.4 50.0 249.04
Seaman 2238 100 50.0 49.0 50.0 50.0 50.2 249.02 498.06 1
Bill NSW 50 50.1 50.2 50.2 50.1 49.0 249.06
Jupp 2014 100 50.1 49.0 50.1 49.2 49.2 247.06 496.12 2
Hannah NSW 50 49.1 50.3 50.1 49.3 49.3 247.11
Seaman 2247 100 50.3 50.0 49.0 49.1 49.1 247.05 494.16 3
Paul HoF 50 50.0 50.1 49.2 50.4 49.3 248.10
Sullivan 16 100 48.2 50.0 49.0 49.1 50.1 246.04 494.14 4
Kim NSW 50 50.2 50.1 50.4 50.4 50.1 250.12
Cosstick 2150 100 49.1 47.0 47.0 50.0 49.0 242.01 492.13 5
Emily NSW 50 49.0 50.1 49.1 50.0 47.2 245.04
Seaman 2252 100 49.0 48.0 50.0 50.0 50.3 247.03 492.07 6
Barry NSW 50 50.2 50.1 49.2 50.1 49.2 248.08
Nichols 2213 100 50.0 46.0 48.0 49.2 49.1 242.03 490.11 7
Norm NSW 50 50.1 50.0 50.2 47.1 50.3 247.07
Wheeler 2135 100 46.0 48.0 50.0 50.2 49.0 243.02 490.09 8
Peter NSW 50 49.2 50.1 50.1 48.3 49.2 246.09
Fleming 2038 100 50.2 48.0 50.0 48.0 47.0 243.02 489.11 9
Neville NSW 50 50.0 50.2 49.1 49.0 48.1 246.04
Kime 2076 100 48.1 50.3 47.0 50.2 48.1 243.07 489.11 10
Trevor NSW 50 50.2 50.3 50.1 50.3 50.0 250.09
Whittaker 2146 100 48.0 48.0 48.1 48.0 47.1 239.02 489.11 11
Danny NSW 50 49.0 50.3 49.2 49.1 50.3 247.09
Rosewood 2263 100 47.0 49.0 48.2 48.0 48.1 240.03 487.12 12
Ira Qld 50 50.2 48.1 49.1 50.1 48.1 245.06
Rolley 4006 100 48.0 50.0 47.1 49.0 48.0 242.01 487.07 13
Bob NSW 50 49.1 48.1 47.1 50.1 49.1 243.05
Wells 2261 100 48.0 48.1 49.1 50.0 49.0 244.02 487.07 14
Megan NSW 50 47.1 50.1 49.1 50.3 50.1 246.07
Wheeler 2134 100 49.0 48.0 48.1 50.0 45.0 240.01 486.08 15
Don NSW 50 50.0 50.4 49.1 50.2 47.1 246.08
Powell 2203 100 47.0 49.0 47.1 47.0 49.1 239.02 485.10 16
Ean NSW 50 49.0 48.1 49.2 49.2 50.2 245.07
Parsons 2186 100 49.0 46.0 50.0 48.1 47.0 240.01 485.08 17
Tom NSW 50 49.1 47.1 50.0 50.3 50.3 246.08
Keys 2303 100 47.0 48.1 44.0 49.0 49.1 237.02 483.10 18
Joy NSW 50 49.1 49.1 49.2 50.1 49.3 246.08
Harrison 2124 100 46.0 49.1 49.0 48.2 44.0 236.03 482.11 19
Karl NSW 50 49.1 49.2 49.2 49.1 47.1 243.07
Kuehn 2018 100 49.0 49.0 46.0 48.1 47.0 239.01 482.08 20
Dave NSW 50 49.2 49.1 49.2 49.1 50.2 246.08
Sweaney 2308 100 48.1 47.0 48.0 48.0 44.0 235.01 481.09 21
Raymond NSW 50 47.0 48.2 50.0 50.0 50.2 245.04
Munro 2126 100 46.0 49.0 45.1 49.0 46.0 235.01 480.05 22
Richard Qld 50 48.1 48.0 48.1 49.1 48.1 241.04
Powell 4323 100 48.0 46.0 46.1 49.1 49.1 238.03 479.07 23
Alison Qld 50 50.1 50.3 49.1 48.0 49.1 246.06
Kuehn 4361 100 44.0 50.1 47.1 45.0 45.0 231.02 477.08 24
Mel NSW 50 46.0 48.3 46.0 47.0 48.0 235.03
Frost 2297 100 49.0 49.0 46.0 49.0 48.1 241.01 476.04 25
Ben NSW 50 48.0 49.0 49.3 50.3 48.2 244.08
Dawson 2294 100 50.0 47.1 42.0 44.0 48.0 231.01 475.09 26
Sonia NSW 50 47.1 49.1 50.3 49.2 49.1 244.08
Frost 2302 100 45.0 48.0 45.1 46.0 47.0 231.01 475.09 27
Ray NSW 50 49.2 46.0 46.0 47.0 49.2 237.04
Fuller 2267 100 45.0 47.0 49.1 45.0 49.0 235.01 472.05 28
Ian NSW 50 46.1 48.0 46.0 48.0 50.3 238.04
Thompson 2220 100 45.0 43.0 47.0 49.2 49.1 233.03 471.07 29
Nick Qld 50 48.2 48.2 48.1 47.1 46.0 237.06
Catlan 4009 100 47.0 46.0 43.0 48.0 50.0 234.00 471.06 30
Don NSW 50 49.0 45.0 47.1 48.0 46.0 235.01
Irving 2264 100 47.1 39.0 48.0 49.1 46.0 229.02 464.03 31
Douglas NSW 50 47.1 47.0 45.0 47.0 47.0 233.01
Rowe-Dawson 2299 100 43.0 42.0 46.0 45.0 45.0 221.00 454.01 32
Karl NSW 50 43.0 43.0 46.0 45.1 50.0 227.01
Simpson 2295 100 46.0 44.0 44.0 42.0 46.0 222.00 449.01 33
Wil NSW 50 47.0 47.1 43.1 43.0 47.0 227.02
Shorter 2296 100 48.0 36.0 43.0 35.0 48.0 210.00 437.02 34
Alicia NSW 50 33.0 42.0 38.0 44.0 27.0 184.00
McManus 2301 100 43.0 47.0 41.0 48.0 43.0 222.00 406.00 35
Best Scores 50 | Best Scores 100
W | W
A K Cosstick 50.2 | A H Seaman 50.3
B D Powell 50.4 | B N Kime 50.3
C K Cosstick 50.4 | C B Jupp 50.1
D G Seaman 50.4 | D N Wheeler 50.2
E N Wheeler 50.3 | E E Seaman 50.3
Best Target D Powell 50.4 | Best Target H Seaman 50.3
Best Total K Cosstick 250.12 | Best Total G Seaman 249.02
2014 Bananacoast IRB Championship Results
For full weekend results click HERE.
Bananacoast Centrefire Championships Results
Light results HERE
Heavy results HERE
2 Gun HERE or see below.
Multi Gun Results – Bananacoast 2 Gun 2013
24/08 25/08
Light B Heavy B
1 Paul Sullivan 0.2587 0.2493 0.2540
2 Steve Sori 0.2599 0.2689 0.2644
3 Ean Parsons 0.2988 0.2562 0.2775
4 Anthony Foate 0.2955 0.2667 0.2811
5 Stuart Foate 0.2667 0.2966 0.2817
6 Gary Hunt 0.2704 0.3041 0.2873
7 Steve Blaine 0.3400 0.2359 0.2880
8 Barry Warwick 0.3232 0.2645 0.2939
9 Keith Sewell 0.3090 0.2805 0.2947
10 Bill Jupp 0.2946 0.2972 0.2959
11 Mitchell Tallar 0.2734 0.3243 0.2988
12 Murray Hicks 0.2815 0.3268 0.3041
13 Peter Fleming 0.3462 0.2705 0.3084
14 Michael Thompson 0.3755 0.2632 0.3194
15 Keith Smith 0.3648 0.2886 0.3267
16 William Greer 0.3598 0.2970 0.3284
17 Mark Mundell 0.2797 0.3781 0.3289
18 Keith Highfield 0.3373 0.3244 0.3309
19 Andy Cross 0.3830 0.3033 0.3431
20 Barry Edgley 0.3608 0.3588 0.3598
21 Kerry Richards 0.3967 0.3325 0.3646
22 Dave Harrison 0.3599 0.3870 0.3734
23 Rob Hamilton 0.3713 0.3979 0.3846
24 Peter Cowie 0.4298 0.3444 0.3871
25 Ray Beavis 0.4211 0.3655 0.3933
26 Neil Starr 0.3760 0.4153 0.3956
27 Ian Thompson 0.4023 0.3924 0.3973
28 Karl Kuehn 0.3846 0.4924 0.4385
29 Joy Harrison 0.4828 0.4039 0.4433
30 Jason Armstrong 0.6070 0.3105 0.4587
31 Mark Tallar 0.4446 0.5018 0.4732
32 Megan Wheeler 0.5772 0.4089 0.4930
33 Stan Buckley 0.5032 0.5241 0.5137
34 Wayne Munro 0.7198 0.3146 0.5172
35 Bob Purcell 0.5392 0.5280 0.5336
36 Norm Wheeler 0.5685 0.5720 0.5703
37 Max Coady 0.6420 0.6993 0.6707
38 John Timms 0.8603 0.4831 0.6717
39 Peter C Armstrong 0.8974 0.6545 0.7759
40 Danny Rosewood 1.0488 0.5079 0.7784
41 Nick Catlan 0.5370 1.1163 0.8267
Printed: 25/ 8/2013 at: 15:04:15 Benchrest Bulletin Scoring System
Port Macquarie Interclub IRB Results
Sunday 30th June 2013
Shooter | Class | Score | Position |
John Matthews | cust | 745.39 | 1 |
John Radford | cust | 742.5 | 2 |
Joy Harrison | cust | 742.41 | 3 |
Nick Ward | cust | 742.35 | 4 |
Abi Millar | Jun | 739.35 | 5 |
Nathan Matthews | Jun | 738.4 | 6 |
Steve Cook | cust | 738.4 | 7 |
Elaine Millar | cust | 737.3 | 8 |
Don Powell | cust | 736.4 | 9 |
Ashely Elford | cust | 735.39 | 10 |
Tom Kennedy | cust | 735.33 | 11 |
Bob Blacklock | cust | 734.3 | 12 |
Aaron Smith | Jun | 734.28 | 13 |
John Harrison | cust | 731.36 | 14 |
Danny Rosewood | cust | 731.29 | 15 |
Ian Thompson | cust | 729.33 | 16 |
Ian McNally | cust | 728.27 | 17 |
Jeff Short | cust | 726.2 | 18 |
Greg Sutherland | cust | 724.32 | 19 |
Josh Andrew | cust | 724.27 | 20 |
David Sweaney | cust | 723.23 | 21 |
Jeff Crapp | Hun | 722.36 | 22 |
Mark Boyle | cust | 721.23 | 23 |
Bob Cook | cust | 721.21 | 24 |
Mark Nowlan | cust | 720.27 | 25 |
Jill Felton | cust | 720.18 | 26 |
Nick Catlin | cust | 718.24 | 27 |
Jodie Pennant | cust | 715.21 | 28 |
Beau Rosewood | Jun | 714.27 | 29 |
David Sweaney | Hun | 709.16 | 30 |
Dennis Young | cust | 707.26 | 31 |
Carisse Thompson | cust | 706.18 | 32 |
John Kerr | cust | 702.08 | 33 |
Robyn Wilson | cust | 699.21 | 34 |
Ron Nutt | Hun | 695.15 | 35 |
Jack Nowlan | Jun | 693.11 | 36 |
Andrew Thompson | cust | 692.17 | 37 |
Lachlan Alexander | Jun | 690.19 | 38 |
Jenene Barlin | Hun | 685.17 | 39 |
Alan Mackay | cust | 683.19 | 40 |
Don Powell | Hun | 680.07 | 41 |
Rick Harn Bennessi | Jun | 669.16 | 42 |
Joy Harrison | Hun | 653.1 | 43 |
Bruce Barlin | Hun | 649.07 | 44 |
Elaine Millar | Hun | 562.08 | 45 |
Alan Mackay | Hun | 442.08 | 46 |
2013 State Hunter Rimfire Titles.
SSAA Coffs Harbour Branch held the NSW State Hunter Rimfire titles at Dairyville range on Saturday and Sunday 18/19th May. Weather was very kind to us for a change with bright sunny but cold conditions on both days, some very impressive targets were shot.
Saturdays results were for Light Rimfire Hunter. Lee McGrann 498.15. Bill Jupp 494.12. Ashley Elford 493.11. Barry Nicholls 493.9. Robin Cox 492.7. Joy Harrison 491.12. Neville Kime 490.6. Chris Tyne 486.7. Richard Powell 484.7. Kim Kosstick 480.8. Raymond Munro 478.8. Trevor Whittaker 477.9. Bob Wells 477.6. Beau Rosewood 475.2. Danny Rosewood 470.6. Karl Kuehn 469.11. Liam Spindler 468.4. Ian Thompson 468.3. Nick Catlan 466. Bob Blacklock 465.9. Don Irving 457.3. John Matthews 455.5. Ashleigh Spindler 451.3.
Sunday results for Heavy Hunter: Neville Kime 499.19. Robin Cox 498.17. Trevor Whittaker 497.16. Damien Webb 497.16. Bill Hobbs 497.15. John Matthews 497.12. Ashley Elford 496.11. Peter Fleming 496.8. Neil Starr 495.18. Joy Harrison 495.14. Bill Jupp 494.16. John Radford 494.13. Bob Blacklock 494.12. Danny Rosewood 494.12. Lee McGrann 493.16. Richard Powell 493.14. Ian Thompson 493.5. Greg Sutherland 491.1. Barry Nicholls 490.14. Peter Nicoll 490.10. Chris Tyne 489.14. Michael Clarke 489.13. Ashleigh Spindler 489.13. Karl Kuehn 489.8. Raymond Munro 486.8. Liam Spindler 486.7. Kim Cosstick 483.10. Beau Rosewood 479.9. Bob Wells 475.3. Nick Catlan 468.7.
Results of NSW Hunter 2 Gun: Lee McGrann 991.31. Robin Cox 990.24. Neville Kime 989.22. Ashley Elford 988.28. Bill Jupp 988.28. Joy Harrison 986.26. Barry Nicholls 983.23. Richard Powell 977.21. Chris Tyne 975.21. Trevor Whittaker 974.25. Danny Rosewood 964.18. Raymond Munro 964.16. Kim Cosstick 963.18. Ian Thompson 961.8. Bob Blacklock 959.21. Karl Kuehn 958.19. Liam Spindler 954.11. Beau Rosewood 954.11. John Matthews 952.17. Bob Wells 952.9. Ashleigh Spindler 940.16. Nick Catlan 934.7. Centrefire Light Hunter and Heavy Hunter will be held on Mon 20th and Tues 21st May.
2013 NSW State Hunter Centrefire titles
NSW State Hunter Centrefire titles were held at Dairyville range on 20/21st May.
Light Hunter centrefire: Barry Nichols 497.19. Peter Duncan 496.20. Ken Eppleston 495.12. Bill Jupp 493.16. Neville Kime 491.19. Ean Parsons 490.14. Karl Kuehn 481.10. Joy Harrison 441.10. Nick Catlan 397.3. Richard Powell 362.1. Trevor Whittaker 251.10. Heavy Hunter centrefire: Ken Eppleston 500.24. Michael Thompson 500.18. Barry Nichols 499.25. Peter Fleming 499.21. Bill Jupp 499.20. Ean Parsons 499.18. Trevor Whittaker 498.26. Peter Duncan 498.21. Neville Kime 498.17. Gary Hunt 497.16. Rob Hamilton 497.16. Joy Harrison 491.14. Nick Catlan 491.11. Neil Starr 490.15. Ray Beavis 489.25. Richard Powell 485.16. Karl Kuehn 481.7.
Final Results
2 Gun LRH/LCF: Barry Nichols 990.28. Bill Jupp 987.28. Neville Kime 981.25.
2 Gun HRH/HCH: Neville Kime 997.36. Trevor Whittaker 995.42. Bill Jupp 993.36.
2 Gun LCH/HCH: Barry Nichols 996.44. Ken Eppleston 995.36. Peter Duncan 994.41.
4 Gun: Bill Jupp 1980.64. Barry Nichols 1979.67. Neville Kime 1978.61.